Disclosure: This image was created with the generative AI tool “NovelAI”.
I frequently hear these questions across social media, the VRChat subreddit, various Discord servers, and within VRChat itself:
"What is the best PC for VRChat? What should I buy? How do I get the most frames?"
In previous versions of this document, I focused on the absolute best setup available, regardless of cost.
I hoped that by explaining the reasoning behind part selection, readers could build their own systems. They could choose more affordable components while still maximizing their PC's performance potential.
However, I've discovered that many people either:
The first is understandable.
The second is more perplexing — you're spending thousands of dollars! Wouldn't you want to ensure you're making the right purchases?!
So, this guide will focus on two main sections:
Section 1: The Builds. This section will provide three PCPartPicker builds using parametric filters, in "Good," "Better," "Best" format.
Section 2: The Logic. This section will explain our part selection criteria. Not the specific components, but the reasoning behind our filters and choices. This distinction is crucial!
Put simply: What Do I Buy, followed by Why Am I Buying This.
Before we begin, let's cover some basic assumptions for this guide.